Saturday, December 8, 2007

Day 8 - Feast Buddy

I'm not alone in my feasting adventure. Melissa of Raw Baby Alex is also juice feasting and she is writing about her experience at Love Raw Life.
photo by Linda Yvonne

I am very glad to be sharing this experience with her, I feel we will be good support for each other. She also is a talented writer and very generous woman.

photo by Mr. Trona
1 quart lime water with MSM
1 quart spinach/carrot/Jerusalem artichoke/celery
1 quarts spinach/apple/celery/ginger
8 oz grapefruit/lemon/wheatgrass powder
10 oz coconut water with liquid chlorophyll
1 tablespoon coconut butter, cinnamon, stevia
1 teaspoon bee pollen
8 0z Chamomile/Valerium/St. John's Wort tea
2 quarts pure water

1 comment:

Raising Alex said...

We are NOT alone, it is a good feeling, is it not?
Glad to have you as my Feasting partner, until the first part of March!

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