photo by imagepeace
Day 9 has let me a bit naughty and nice. But I feel really, really good.
The naughty: I've discovered royal jelly and I probably have had way more today than I should have. Like three tablespoons or more. Hence, why I have a major nice, really, really good feeling.
Day 9 has let me a bit naughty and nice. But I feel really, really good.
The naughty: I've discovered royal jelly and I probably have had way more today than I should have. Like three tablespoons or more. Hence, why I have a major nice, really, really good feeling.
photo by jinjerjack

Royal jelly is a honey bee secretion used in the nutrition of the larvae. It helps slow down the aging process, increases energy levels, improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails. It has also been used to control cholesterol levels and to improve sexual vitality. It contains vitamins A, C, D, E, B1, B2, B3, B6 and B12. It is also a good source of Folic acid.
All in all, today has been a great day. I slept in to about 8:30 or so and had a really good "beauty ritual" session, had both of my favorite juices. I think I might have a bit of a juice/royal jelly buzz, but it's all good. Life is good.
This feast has been so much different compared to the first. I feel more stable and in control and not like I'm blowing in the wind. It's very interesting.
So far the most frustrating and challenging thing that is happening with this feast is preparing food for the kids and unfortunately, it's cooked. Some days the food smells good and some days it's very unpleasant. I plan on doing another post about those challenges. This is why my husband prepares most of the meals (and grocery shops) so I won't have to deal with it.
1 quart lime water with MSM
1 quarts spinach/apple/celery
2 quarts parsley/watermelon/cucumber/jalapeno/garlic
3 quarts pure water
1 quart lime water with MSM
1 quarts spinach/apple/celery
2 quarts parsley/watermelon/cucumber/jalapeno/garlic
3 quarts pure water
Congratulations on Day 9! Your blog looks amazing, and we are so proud of you for rockin it royally!
Love David and Katrina.
Thanks so much guys!
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