Friday, February 8, 2008

Day 70 of Terilynn's Juice Feast

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On Today's Menu:
1 quart lemon water with MSM
1 quart grapefruit/orange/Alfafa powder
2 quarts kale/celery/

Wow! Can you believe?!? I have 22 days on this juice feast? Wicked crazy. I don't have much to say. Except, (please forgive me fellows) Aunt Flo came in to town without all the drama. I had no PMS. Nothing, no mood swings, no craziness. Yeah! Viva Juice Feasting! Viva Raw Foods

1 comment:

Poppy said...

Hi Terilynn, Loving your posts. Gotta back you up, Day 25 and I my Flo was unbelievable light and easy too. I credit the green juices. Love, Poppy

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