Sunday, February 24, 2008

In the Garden on Day 86 of Terilynn's Juice Feast

by typroga
On Today's Menu:
2 quarts grapefruit juice/MSM
2 quarts spinach/celery/thyme/lemon
2 quarts water
16 oz tea

Zucchinis go here
Feb. 17Feb. 24
Today the weather was pleasant enough to work in the garden. We didn't do anything too major, just cleaned leaves and branches around the area. Do you know who Fred Sandford is?

Well the modern day version of this character would be my beloved husband. From time-to-time he does haul jobs or evictions and he has a tendency to bring home some items. Here are dresser drawers that he has converted into hot boxes to plant seedings until they are able to get into the ground.

Here is a sink he brought home and now it's our official garden center.
My husband couldn't wait for our order to arrive, he bought some seeds.

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