Friday, February 29, 2008

Feeling sick on Day 91 of my Juice Feast

photo by Kentigern
On Today's Menu:
2 quarts kale/celery/lemon
2 quarts cantaloupe/orange
1 quart orange
Lots and lots of water
For as good as I felt yesterday, I have a cold today. I had a 3-day cold a couple of weeks back. If you were to blink you would have missed it, that's way I didn't mentioned it. I think I might have said I had a sore throat.

My two youngest children had been fighting this virus for a few months now (I guess the whole state of Colorado is doing the same) and they gave it to me, I give it to my husband, my husband gave it back to them and well. . .you know how it goes.

I thought I could avoid it because I was pumping myself with juices but alas, I am feeling under the weather yet again. I'm sure part of it has to do with working out more than normal (twice per day) and not adjusting my juice intake to a higher level. My body is just tired so this weekend I'm going to let it rest. No working out for you, missy. Oh, bummer ;)

Strangely, I still could work out if I choose to, the energy is there. But I've pushed myself with exercise for a few weeks straight now, so I'll let it go for now.

I am thankful for getting sick now. This is an excellent lesson in paying attention to my limations. Just because I have an abundance of energy doesn't mean I should try to use it up. You know what I'm saying?

Before I head out for the weekend, I want to thank you all for your wonderful words of encouragement. You guys are truly rawsome! The love and support you have bestowed upon me has touched me to the core.

Have a blessed day and chat with you on Monday!

Peace and love,


Oh, one more thing. I spoke with Sheba, the wonderful photographer who will be taking pixs of me and we have a theme for the photo shoot. No, nude isn't the theme. But I will share the theme on Monday. I know, I'm bad I'm going to keep you in suspense over the weekend.

Here is a by Yves and Image_seeker

Please feel free to guess what my photo shoot theme is.


PictureYourWorld said...

You are so terrible to keep your readers guessing! I am so excited to photograph you. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity!

Keely said...

I'm guessing The Cotton Club!!!

Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.