Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Day 4 - Calm

photo by Rob E
Today was a very calm, gentle and oddly quiet day. Not that I have a lot of internal noise but there has been peace within me that feels strange and nice.
My husband asks me if I'm alright and I am.
I'm just chilling.
photo by Kathleen Anderson
My two youngest children (ages 1 and 2) and I danced around the house and used cooking utensils as microphones. Good times to be had with those two, I can't wait to see how they grow.
1 quart lime water with MSM
1 quart spinach/cucumber/hemp oil/kelp powder
20 oz Kombucha tea (home brew with decaf tea)
1 quart grapefruit/orange/lime/wheatgrass
1 quart spinach/apple/celery/ginger
1 quart spinach/celery/cucumber/apple
10 oz coconut water with liquid chlorophyll
1 tablespoon coconut oil

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