Sunday, January 6, 2008

Day 37 of juice feast

photo by Leo Reynolds

1 quart lemon water with MSM
2 quarts spinach/celery/apple/ginger
2 quarts watermelon
16 oz coconut water with liquid chlorophyll
2 quarts water

So I'm perusing the net and I am amazed at how many Juice Feasters there are out there. There's a great, supportive community on and the site Give it to me Raw's Juice Feast Enthusiasts has 101 members! That is truly rawsome!

I think it is fair to say that 2008 is the year of the Juice Feast. Bravo!

Don't forget there's also Global Juice Feast coming in March.

Here is a quick list of how many juicy folks are out there swimming in the greens.

Love Raw Life (My gal pal and feasting buddy Melissa)
Power of Raw
Jack and Jill Juice Feast
Integral Dynamic Healing
Juice Feast at Fifty
Radical Living Laboratory
Doug's Great BIG RAW Adventure
Loriel Hanon's Juice Festing blog
Raw in Montana
Individualized Superfood Juice Feast
Living the Green Life
Juice Feasting: A Journey
Sparkle in Raw Foods
Ben's Juice Feasting Journey
Pippa's Porch
Real Juice Daily


Neeta said...

Hi Terilynn, thanks for the list of juicy folks, its great to know there are so many people juice feasting right now :-)
Like you say, seems like 2008 is the year of Juice Feasts......
Love, Neeta

About Me said...

I agree, Terilynn, the year of the Juice Feasts!

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