Friday, February 15, 2008

Day 77 of Terilynn's Juice Feast

photo by Kasmil
On Today's Menu:
2 quarts kale/celery/tomato/
jalapeno/hemp oil
2 quarts orange/grapefruit
1 quart coconut water
16 oz tea

Hot off the digital camera here are Day 77 photos

I have updated my photo gallery showing the pictures from the start of the feast until today. It is bizarre (and exciting) to see the changes. I'm so very curious about how much I weigh. My husband was weighing himself the other day and by habit, I almost stepped on the scale myself. Fortunately, I stopped. I can wait, it's not a big deal.

I want to thank everyone for your words of encouragement and love. I really appreciate that you read my blog and that you offer your kindness to me. Much love to you all!

Peace and Love,


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