Thursday, April 3, 2008

April 2 workout

photo by neloqua

On the Menu:
5:30A: 1 quart lemon water with MSM

8:30A: 1 quart green smoothie (spinach/celery/bananas/hemp protein powder/bee pollen)

11:30A: 1 quart green smoothie

1:30P: large salad (green leaf lettuce/scallions/jalapeno/hemp protein powder/lemon/olive oil.

3P: 1 avocado with lemon juice, sea salt and flax seeds

5:30P: Large bowl of Seaweed and Kimchi with Kelp Noodles

DB Bench Press: 15reps/10lbs; 12reps/12lbs; 10reps/15lbs; 8reps/20lbs; 15reps/12lbs
DB Flyes: 15reps/10lbs

Overhead Press: 15/5; 12/8; 10/10; 8/12; 15/10
Alt. Front Raises: 15/8

Wide-Grip Pulldown: 15/40; 12/50; 10/60; 8/60; 15/40
Bent-Over Rows: 15/20

Bicep Curls: 15/8; 12/10; 10/12; 8/15; 15/10
Hammer Curls: 15/8

Tricep Extensions: 15/10; 12/12; 10/15; 8/20; 15/10
Bench Dips: 15 reps (no weight)

20 minutes cardio (running on treadmill)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey thanks for this - do you have any more of this stuff? :) I'm studying bodybuilding on a raw diet.

Love it.


Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.