Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Day 33 of Juice Feast

photo by Moe

1 quart lemon water with MSM
1 quart cabbage/
1 quart mustard greens
/celery/bell pepper/tomato
/jalapeno/hemp oil
1 quart grapefruit/OJ
10 oz coconut water with liquid chlorophyll
3 quarts water

Not only is my friend Melissa feasting with me, but for the next three days my husband is coming along for the ride. He has decided to go raw again and to slowly re-establish the raw life for our children. Yeah!

"I read your blog and I must say it is WONDERFUL. I am trying to go raw and do a juice feast, but I am BROKE...HOW can I still go on a juice feast with a LOW budget? What are something's that I can juice that taste great but low budget? Any advise would help. Thanks." -Tai-Kiah Carter

Thanks alot Tai-Kiah for your beautiful comment and your important question. I totally understand being on a tight budget, believe me. I am living proof that it's possible to do it.

My biggest tip is to shop the grocery ads. Whatever is on sale at my favorite food market is what I'm juicing. I will state that not everything I purchase will be organic but it will be cost effective for my budget.

Celery, cucumbers, parsley, apples, oranges and carrots are the only "staples" I buy on a regular basis no matter the cost. The first two are must haves for the feast and the rest are just my favorites for the juice combinations I enjoy. They all have been fairly priced for my budget thus far.

My greens are likely to change with whatever is on sale.

Also, establish how much you can spend and don't stray from that. I would love to get Spirulina but wheatgrass powder is in my budget right now.

Another piece of advice is know what you're going to purchase BEFORE you go to the store. Write it down and avoid impulse buying.

I hope this helps.

And remember, don't let anything get in your way to achieve the health you desire.

Wow! Good for you that you are on this journey again. Have you lost any weight? -anonymous

Yes, I have lost weight. How much I have not clue. One of my goals on my To-Do List has been NOT to weigh myself during this feast. I did weigh myself at the start and I will weigh at the end but that's about it.

With this juice feast I didn't want that to be an issue. I don't want any mental pressures and I think for me watching the scale could trip me up. I will say I have dropped two dress sizes.

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