Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Welcome to Inspiration:Life- Day 32 of a Juice Feast

Happy New Year and welcome to Inspiration:Life! You may (or may not) know me from the raw-food recipe blog The Daily Raw Cafe. If you're not familiar with the blog, give it a look-see.

I am inviting you to come with me on the remaining 60 days of my 92-day juice feast.

I know, I know, I started the adventure without you but if you go back to the beginning, I explain why it was important to do the first 30 days (or so) alone.

I started the separate blog because I love The Daily Raw Cafe and I don't want to take anything away from what I've created there. So, no worries the recipes will still be on The Daily Raw Cafe and Inspiration:Life will document my juice feast.

So, grab a seat, sip on some green juice and enjoy the ride. I know I will. :) photo by Leo Reynolds

1 quart lemon water with MSM
2 quarts collards/celery/apple/ginger
2 quarts pineapple/OJ
10 oz coconut water with liquid chlorophyll
3 quarts water


Anonymous said...

Wow! Good for you that you are on this journey again. Have you lost any weight?

Keely said...

I raise a glass of mango/pineapple/coconut nector in your honor!!! Congrats on a successful launch!!!

Disclaimer: This site is for informational purposes only. The author is not a medical doctor or trained nutritionist and is not responsible for any consequences regarding your use or intended use of any information provided on this site. Always check with your medical professional or trained nutritionist before making any changes to your diet or lifestyle regarding your health.